Saturday 12 February 2011

2011 Race Reports

Gorrick Spring Series Round 2 - 6th of Febuary 2011

The 2nd round of the Gorrick Spring series was scheduled to be at Heath Warren but was double booked so it was at Crowthorne woods again. I arrived early again to watch my Dad race in fun but he had problems with his seat and chain but managed to finish in 17th place. On to my race i had rectified the problem from the previous race by running my chain through a front mech to stop the chain from falling of. My race kicks off at 2.15 and i was positioned on the 2nd line in the Sport category and got away promptly with a group of 4/5 riders ahead of me and matt hargorves of (Hargroves Cycles). Matt stayed with me for around 10 minutes but then dropped off with ed moesli now hot on my tail. Ed made the gap to me and we stayed together for 2 and 1/4 laps sharing the wok load, our 1st 2 laps were good at a consitant 21 minutes but then my legs seemed to die on me which left me on my own with Ed to plough on ahead. Later on in the race i lost 2 positions on the 3rd and 4th lap. In the end i finshed in 8th position, I am 15th place Overall Series as i didnt score any points at round 1, hopefully i can get a good result at the 3rd round in March at Porridgepot Hill in Deepcut to boost me up in the series standings.

For Pictures of Round 2 Click Here -

Gorrick Spring Series Round 1 - 16th of January 2011  

The start of the 2011 season kicked in Crowthorne woods at the 1st Round of the Gorrick saddle skedaddle spring series. This season i decided to race in the Sport in the Gorrick's as many junior riders do this category, i arrived early to watch my dad race in fun but unfortunately he punctured so he wasn't able to finish his race. On my 1/2 a warm up lap on a bumpy descent just before the final climb my chain kept coming off because i was running a 1x9 setup but didnt run a chain guide which meant i only had 1 option to ride my dads bike. I changed all the parts i could e.g back wheel, seatpost and seat, tyres and skewers. The race was on i got away well and was sitting in the top 4 with Ben Sumner and Martin turton in sight. A group was formed and i was joined by three other riders Luke Webber of Yeti Cycles, James Astbury of Hargroves Cycles and Paul Thomas of Vc Revolution. Luke webber was setting the pace with James and I coming to the front now and then to give Luke a hand. Half way into the 1st lap i suffered a puncture which i was very annoyed about as i was happy with my positioning however i had to run the rest of the lap to get back to the pits which was around 2.5miles. After some helf from Liam & Mike Keynes i set to work on fitting my new innertube but for the life of me the tyre wouldnt pop back onto the rim, but eventually after 10minutes of trying my dad eventually got it back on for me. At this point i was in last place as i had lost around 30minutes but i continued to carry on with the race and did 3 laps in total but i finished out of the top 15 so i didnt recieve any series points which was very frustrating. Lets just hope that the 2nd Round of the spring series runs smoother for me than the 1st.  

For Pictures of Round 1 Click here -

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